Reserve Education Materials
Reserve Materials
Education materials supplied by OSUTeach are only for students enrolled in one of the official OSUTeach courses - SMED 1012, SMED 3013, CIED 3313, MATH 3303, MATH 3933, SMED 4003, SMED 4023, SMED 4053, SMED 4611/ 4613, SMED 4713, SMED 4723, and CIED 4720, and Research Methods. In order to reserve the items you need, please submit the form below. Only one person per group needs to complete the request form, but this person is responsible for the materials and must show an OSU ID to check out and check in the materials. If you need materials other than what we have available, please discuss this with your instructor before submitting a request form.
Please Note:
Materials are due back to the OSUTeach office within two business days after teaching the lesson. Late, missing, or damaged materials will result in a Bursar charge to the requester for the total amount of the kit/materials, not to surpass $200.