OSUTeach Courses
Offered CoursesIn addition to SMED 1012
SMED 3013: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science
This course teaches students to construct the model of knowing and learning that they will take with them into their classrooms.
MATH 3303: Functions and Modeling
OSUTeach students engage in explorations and lab activities designed to strengthen and expand their knowledge of secondary mathematics topics.
SMED 4611/4613 or MATH 3933: Research Methods
OSUTeach students perform independent inquiries and learn to combine skills from mathematics and science to solve research problems. Science students complete over 60 hours of lab research. Both math and science students present their research findings by presenting posters at the annual OSUTeach Pre-service Teacher Research Symposium each Spring.
CIED 3313: Field Experience in the Secondary Schools
Directed observation and participation in a particular subject area of the secondary/K-12 school. Experience in meeting the mental, social, physical, and cultural needs among children.
SMED 4023: Problem-Based Learning in Mathematics and Science
This course teaches students how to engage learners in exploring authentic, important, and meaningful questions of real concern to high school students and also promotes equitable and diverse participation. This course completes students' preparation for Apprentice Teaching.